The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) is a think tank and research center on homeland security, operating under the supervision of the Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection. KEMEA’s activities include: a) research and development in the context of national and European projects in close cooperation with LEAs; b) training of LEA personnel and practitioners in new systems and technologies; and c) training of and certification of practitioners in private security professions at the national level.
Within the framework of the A4 project, KEMEA is the coordinator of the project’ consortium. As such, KEMEA is having significant involvement in all the project’s work packages, being responsible for the project’s overall development and implementation. More precisely, drawing from its experience, KEMEA is leading the development of the project’s training toolkit and the relevant training activities for LEA officers. -
The National Centre for Social Solidarity (EKKA) is a State Organization under the supervision and monitoring of the Greek Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs. As a Social Service, EKKA provides protection and psychosocial support to families and individuals that experience a psychosocial crisis. Its mandate also includes the coordination and certification of specialized protection projects of the Social Services Network. In this framework, EKKA manages the National Referral Mechanism for the Protection of Human Trafficking Victims (NRM).
In the A4 Project, EKKA will be responsible for the coordination of the pilot implementation of an cross-sectoral mechanism on a cross-border level in actions of searching for and persecuting the perpetrators of trafficking with the purpose of sexual exploitation of women and girls (WP4:”Pilot Testing a border-crossing resilient mechanism against impunity of perpetrators of female victims of sex trafficking”).
CECL is one of the leading legal research foundations in Greece. We have been active for over 25 years, contributing knowledge and know-how in the fields of fundamental rights, democratic institutions, and European integration, across 20 countries. CECL hosts the National Contact Point of the Fundamental Rights Network and the Research Group “Constitution-Making and Constitutional Change” .
CECL is leading WP2, titled “Development of a grounded Action Plan for effective police investigation to intensify prosecution for perpetrators of female victims of sex trafficking”. It has led the development of a Primary and secondary research findings Report (D2.1); primary case file research on sex THB; and key informant insights collected through focus groups from all partner countries. Finally,CECL collected standard operating procedures (SOPs) on cross and inter-sectoral cooperation used by the police and civil society. -
VICESSE is an Austrian research foundation operating at the interface between science, technology, law and policy. Its focus is on the analysis of a wide array of security issues in a broader societal context on a local, national and european level. Its mission statement is to bring security back into society. This entails linking contemporary security solutions to the everyday world of citizens and giving members of society a critical voice in security research.
VICESSE helms WP5 - “Promoting the A4 message for police-led enhanced accountability mechanisms for the protection of sexually exploited female victims of trafficking“. Hence, dissemination activities via the various social-media channels and homepage fall under the its auspices. Furthermore, it is responsible for organising dissemination materials. Lastly, VICESSE will contribute throughout the project, for example by organising a focus groups and work shops.
Law and Internet Foundation (LIF) is a Bulgarian NGO & Research centre which supports and performs applied studies, scientific researches, programmes and projects in the field of legal, technological, economic and social issues related to the fast penetration of information and communication technologies both in public and private sectors.
Under the A4 project LIF team is responsible for ensuring smooth cross-border cooperation, by undertaking communications with the Bulgarian authorities, safeguarding efficient collaboration among Bulgarian and Greek peers (Commanders) and supporting the A4 border crossing alliance. LIF will take active part in carrying out case file research, as well as organising a focus group and workshops to promote the police-led cooperative framework for the protection of female victims of sex trafficking.